"​Pursue Your Inner Power Through Self-Discovery"




  • Are you willing to share your personal experience

  • Successfully complete the Peer Specialist Training course

  • Become Certified by the State of Wisconsin

  • between the ages of 18-25 years old

Interested in becoming a Peer Specialist?

Owen's Place Peer Specialists

Owen's Place is based upon a model that supports and builds upon peer to peer relationships. We believe that the interaction and support that peers give to each other is a valuable resource for a successful transition to adulthood. At Owen's Place, we provide an environment where young adults can get support and guidance from a peer that has experienced life's challenges as well.

  • a listener
  • a partner
  • an advocate
  • an equal
  • someone you can relate to!

They are individuals with lived  experience who has been trained and certified to help their peers gain hope and move forward in their own recovery.

What is a Peer Specialist?